The Matrix is a movie that has the most ideological, philosophical and religious views all put in one. It could be compared to so many things but the most intriguing and mind blowing is when it’s compared to Christianity, especially the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Both telling the story of two prophets and his adventure to go and change world but is faced many obstacles. The prophets in both stories do have one major similarity and that’s one of their friend/followers betrayed them. Cypher, one of Morpheus followers, can be compared and contrasted to Judas, one of the disciples of Jesus Christ.
From the characters to the situations and settings in the movie that can be seen in the Bible; Neo also known as “The One” is most comparable to Jesus, just as Morpheus is to John the Baptist who heralds Jesus or Neo “The One’s” coming. According to the article Neo Christ Jesus, The Matrix, and Secondary Allegory as a Rhetorical Form The Matrix, and Secondary Allegory as a Rhetorical Form by Mike Milford “Trinity acts as Neo’s guide, leading him to those who need his help” (LaVelle, Milford 2000, 134–135) Trinity resembles to the holy spirit but The Matrix and Bible are not just comparable with these main characters. The greatest comparison and the one that this paper will be focusing on is between Judas and Cypher both once followers and part of great change but then turned their face to the other side. Most of these comparisons were made from the gospels of the New Testament, Mark, Luke, and Mathew; they not only take the passion of Jesus but also his way of teaching and the people that surrounded him.
Cypher or Mr. Reagan who works for Morpheus on the Nebuchadnezzar is known to be the rebel of the crew who has grown tired and frustrated with the war. Getting tired of following Morpheus and hearing about this blind prophecy of his, Cipher begins to regret his decision of joining Morpheus. Disgusted with his living conditions Cipher makes it obvious that he wishes he never left the Matrix or learned the truth about anything which drives him to engage and evolve in his rebel ways. Cypher was so tired of Morpheus he goes and secretly meets with the enemy Agent Smith who could be compared to the high priest that had an eye out for Jesus. An agreement was made Cypher told Agent Smith he wanted to live rich and famous without a clue of what the Matrix is. To explain his decision he states “I know that this steak is doesn’t exist... ignorant is bliss” (matrix) but also to express his frustration in living in those standards. By this time Cipher is a full blown trader just like a friend did to the prophet known as Jesus, the son of God. Just like Cipher, Judas began to feel a sadness and anger of his life as a disciple and decides to take matters into his own hands knowing but not realizing the consequences.
Judas one to the twelve disciples that followed Jesus on his journey to evangelize and spread the word of the lord, grew weary and aggravated with living a life he didn’t want. Knowing that he no longer wanted to starve and use a pillow as a rock; in Matthew 26:14-16 Judas’ solution becomes a betrayal to the lord, “Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot—went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I deliver him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty pieces of silver. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.”(Matthew 26:14-16), it was known that Judas grew fond of material items, he especially loved money. Judas does not just betray Jesus but he also leads the soldiers and high priest to him where Jesus is arrested and taken to Pontius Pilate.
Both Cypher and Judas betray their friends but besides the whole betrayal there are so much more things that can be compared or just give reasons to why The Matrix can be a modern day of a westernization view of the bible. The meaning of the name Cypher is zero or the one with no quantity or value similar to Judas had no living faith in the prophecy. Judas and Cypher both sealed their fates of betraying over a meal, Judas in the Last Supper and Cypher having a meal with Agent Smith. In The Matrix and Philosophy: welcome to the desert of the real by William Irwin points out every aspect of Cyphers decision such as in freedom, his mistake, happiness and contemned but in this occasion they justify his decision “Cypher illustrates the in authenticity opting for ignorance... harsh condition, in perpetual fear of annihilation”(Irwin 169). Jesus and Neo both have drinks with their betrayer, again in the last supper and while at the computer monitor station. “a comrade who betrays the One by cooperating with the enemy for personal compensation…Of course, had Cypher not betrayed Neo, the transformation through resurrection may not have occurred” as stated by the article The Matrix Mythology, shows us the perfect way and example of Cyphers action.
Both Cypher and Judas betray their friends but besides the whole betrayal there are so much more things that can be compared or just give reasons to why The Matrix can be a modern day of a westernization view of the bible. The meaning of the name Cypher is zero or the one with no quantity or value similar to Judas had no living faith in the prophecy. Judas and Cypher both sealed their fates of betraying over a meal, Judas in the Last Supper and Cypher having a meal with Agent Smith. In The Matrix and Philosophy: welcome to the desert of the real by William Irwin points out every aspect of Cyphers decision such as in freedom, his mistake, happiness and contemned but in this occasion they justify his decision “Cypher illustrates the in authenticity opting for ignorance... harsh condition, in perpetual fear of annihilation”(Irwin 169). Jesus and Neo both have drinks with their betrayer, again in the last supper and while at the computer monitor station. “a comrade who betrays the One by cooperating with the enemy for personal compensation…Of course, had Cypher not betrayed Neo, the transformation through resurrection may not have occurred” as stated by the article The Matrix Mythology, shows us the perfect way and example of Cyphers action.
“Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it” (, ignorance is bliss is the way Cypher and Judas portrayed life to be. Being exposed to the truth and reality and not towards what they wanted; both Cypher and Judas act alike with willing attitudes, gracious and the “fake loyalty”. Actors usually play this same role when taking the life of a character in a play or a movie, where living a double life or being two-faced is perfectly normal. The Recycled Bible: autobiography, culture, and the space between by Fiona C. Black give us and explicit explanation of this act of rebellion. “Life of a rich and important person: an actor (perhaps the best lifestyle for one who prefers the fantasy over the real world” (Black 73) it states that their betrayal is mostly done for a place back in power and desire for material life and items. To go more in debt Cypher way of betrayal is very similar to Judas, Judas’ betrayal is with a kiss and Cypher’s with a sneeze. Dew also mentioned the connection that Cypher calls himself the messenger while talking to Trinity and reminds us that Satan tends to call himself. Neo is invited by Cypher to drink with him but to remember they drink from the same cup, first Cypher serving it and drinking and then handing it to Neo just as Jesus said to the disciples “He who dipped his hand in the bowl with me is the one who will betray me” (Matthew 26:24). Cypher and Neo relationship wasn’t the best one as in the beginning of the movie. When Neo is welcomed to “the matrix” Cypher tells him that Kansas is over just as Jesus tells his disciples pick up your cross and follow me. In the gospels of Mark and Matthew it is explained in details Judas doings.
As we can see Cypher and Judas are alike but to a coin there is always two sizes therefore they are also different. Cypher and Judas lived in two different times among different people. Cypher‘s frustration and ambitions came known fully when we reveal himself to Trinity with the phone call stating he was the messenger and a little after being killed by Tank. Unlike Judas at the end of handing Jesus to the Romans he repented and because he couldn’t live with this fear and guilt he hanged himself. Both ends were different. Their believe levels were diverse. Cypher never believe as he stated “Jesus, someone's going to make a believer out of me” (matrix) for him Neo was never the one and Morpheus theory was no longer acceptable. Judas faith was different, he accept Jesus and said yes to him, was a great friend to him but in the other hand he never was found calling Jesus “Lord” a name that they use often. In this case again ambition won but instead he handed him to an authority at the time which was Pontius Pilate. Cypher in the other hand can also be compared to Satan or Lucifer, the most beautiful angel that God had (Rev 12:9) and at the end turned his back on him because of jealousy and power.
As we can see Cypher can be compared in many aspects with many characters in the bible. Especially Cypher and Judas have the connection between them. Disregarding their differences that decisions made had no chance of a step back. They both were compared and contrast, we came across differences that were obvious but other points that were not even thought about. Their lives took place in different locations but had the same theme. Cypher and Judas can be portray as actor, their acts were perfect until they decided to betray their leaders. Their acts came down and ended bad for each one of them.
above is the video of Cypher betrayal dinner with Agent smith.. Check out!!!!
For more information on the simmilarities and differences of judas and cypher click here
Above is a video on how Judas hands Jesus to the romans...Check it out and see for yourself that his sign is giving him kiss.
Each character ha its own meaning as shown here
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